2024 Fundraiser Dinner in support of LAMB’s Basket

Lakeside United Methodist Church and Christ Lutheran Church ELCA and the Fundraiser Dinner they held on April 27th.
The program was a joint effort of the choirs of Lakeside United Methodist and Christ Lutheran Churches, with meals prepared and served by the Lakeside UM Men.
Our theme was "Singing for the Sheep". The decorations for the event were lambs and baskets and donated food. Many of the lambs were loaned to us by The Shepherd's Center of Richmond.
We collected 422 pounds of food and raised $1724.31 in the event proceeds and donations.
We hope to repeat the event next spring with even more food donations and contributions! 

2024 CrossRidge Golf Cart Club Annual Food Drive in support of LAMB’s Basket

The 2024 Annual Cross Ridge Neighborhood Golf Cart Food Drive, in support of LAMB's Basket food pantry, did not disappoint! We were delayed several days due to rain, but that didn't stop the enthusiasm and support of all who participated!
As of May 23rd,
Collected 5170 lbs. of non-perishable food.
Monetary donations totaled $4,410.00.
Way to go!

2023 CrossRidge Golf Cart Club Annual Food Drive in support of LAMB’s Basket

The community enjoyed a beautiful morning with neighbors and friends of LAMB’s Basket working together as the golf cart club brigade picked up food “from every mailbox.” Volunteer busy bees sorted and packed boxes, then loaded pickup trucks for the final pantry destination.
Collected 3514 lbs. of non-perishable food.
Monetary donations totaled - $2,699.20
Thank you, Golf Cart Club, and CrossRidge neighbors! It was a great day all around and a pleasure to participate in this endeavor to offer food assistance to those in need within Henrico County!

Many thanks to those who participated!

Beverley Fletcher, LAMB’s Basket volunteer & CrossRidge resident